What another amazing year we’ve had and there have been some absolutely wonderful doll clothes created by all you super talented sewers. This is my final Share and Tell blog for 2019 and we’re starting off with this lovely email from Sheena.
‘My Auntie Marilynn has made some beautiful doll clothes for my daughter’s cabbage patch doll from the patterns on your site and I’ve been meaning to pass along the pictures of her work. The clothes are absolutely incredible and fit better than the ones she came with. Here are some of the photos of our very fashionable doll, Ginger!’
Oh I totally agree, Ginger looks very fashionable in all her new clothes. Auntie Marilynn has done a beautiful job making them and also choosing just the right colour fabric to compliment that gorgeous hair too! Patterns used include T-Shirt, Long Pants from the Winter Pyjamas, Overalls, Drop Waist Dress, Fur Trimmed Jacket and the Free Beanie pattern.
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