Welcome to the new year and welcome to my first Share and Tell blog for 2018. Hope you have all recovered from the Christmas rush and managed to get everything sewn that you needed to.
The first photo is from Helen, an active Australian member of my Facebook Sew and Share group. She was super busy leading up to Christmas sewing for a friend’s two beautiful granddaughters who live in America. She’s not sure how many doll clothes she made but there were two of everything, plus shoulder bags, beach bags and headbands. As someone in the group said, ‘Looks like the girls hit the motherload!’ I agree Helen, it sure looks like a lot of clothes and I’m pretty sure they were a hit.
The second photo shows a dress that Helen made adding extra to the skirt piece of my Summer Dress pattern to make the skirt fuller and omitting the hem and waist trim. Notice how she carefully cut out the bodice to ensure the pretty mermaid is the central feature.
The next photo is from Kerry, she’s been sewing for her 16 inch Build-A- Bear Rabbit and looks like my 18 ½ inch Cabbage Patch Handkerchief Top fits beautifully.
Kerry is ‘happy with the way it turned out’ and I think her rabbit is too. Great job Kerry, can’t wait to see what you make next.
Angela has used my 18 inch American Girl Wedding Dress pattern to make some gorgeous wedding dresses for her niece’s Designafriend dolls.
‘Thank you Rosie, your video was so helpful and easy to follow. My niece adores them.’
I love the daisy chain around the waist and how Angela has used the same daisy chain for a headband.
This beautiful Winter Nightie was made by Valentina who makes Bespoke clothing for children and this was the first doll dress she’s made since she was 9 years old. ‘It was so fun to make! This went with one of my nightgowns to Chicago for a friends’ daughter!’ Wow, it’s gorgeous! You may like to have a look at some more of Valentina’s beautiful work on Instagram or Facebook at ValentinaMarieBoutique.
Love the lace trim with the blue and white spot that Yvonne has used to make this Pinafore Dress for granddaughter’s Baby Born doll, it’s so pretty.
‘Hi Rosie Thought I would have a practice run before my granddaughters visit next week and successfully completed the pinafore dress so hope it will get approval from Baby Born’s “mother”. The videos were very helpful and no doubt there will be some more sewing next week. Cheers, Yvonne’
I finally got a chance to visit your blog….and I love it! I’ve wanted to be able to sew beautiful doll clothes for ever so long. I have a huge collection of dolls….I’ve been collecting my whole life nearly and I’m now 75 years young. On a fixed income I can’t afford to buy for all of my dolls….I’m trying to learn how to make their clothes myself. :o) I’m finally at a place where I can start! I’m looking forward to learning from you Rosie. Thanks so much!!
That’s wonderful to hear Rita. We all look forward to seeing what you create
Happy sewing
@Rita…hope you stop back. How wonderful you are still collecting dolls. I love dolls and two sew but like you money over the years went to bills, raising daughter, bills, etc. You know that routine. Like you I am on a limited fixed income so understand how tight money can be. Yes…we are young. Good luck on your new journey with creating clothing.
@Rosie…I just discovered your site about a week ago and it’s a wonderful place. I am new to American Girl dolls but love dolls and love to sew. Started at age 9 taught by my grandmother. Thankfully, as my mother couldn’t staple a hem in her pants….lol. Wow! Those lucky young ladies and their windfall of doll clothes. That is just amazing. Love the Summer Mermaid dress and that nightgown is adorable. Thanks so much! Hoping to start a online shoppe for one of a kind custom outfits for about a dozen different dolls. Even purchased an AG doll for a model.
Welcome Sandra, I’m glad you found my website. Wishing you all the very best with your online shoppe