In an earlier blog I explained how easy it is to adjust the size of your doll clothes sewing patterns using a photocopier and it is great to hear that many of you are using this technique to adjust my doll clothes patterns to fit other dolls.
First, Lauri explains how she has adjusted my 18 inch doll clothes patterns to fit her Sasha and Sasha Baby dolls.
‘Hi Rosie,
I thought you might like to see how the dresses turned out for our Sasha dolls. I started with a straight resize of the pattern to about 83% and sewed the first dress. It turned out adorable (and could be perfect just that way – my elder daughter has it on one of her dolls at the moment), but I realized then how easy it could be to lay the pattern down and trace around it just slightly bringing in the armholes, shortening the length, etc. I never “saw” that way before.
I used a longish piece of the extra-soft type of Velcro for the fastening in the back, making it adjustable for different sizes of Sasha dolls. (Sashas are notoriously differing in sizes, depending upon when the doll was manufactured.)
I also had good luck with tweaking the same dress for the Sasha Baby Doll. I don’t recall what % I used, I imagine it was around 75% or so. As with the other, I did a bit of tweaking of the armholes and length. Also, I resized the Summer Shorts from your “How To Make Doll Clothes Video Course” to fit Baby Sasha as kind of a wide-leg trouser. (I shrunk the overall size and lengthened the leg.) I think it looks adorable under the shortened sundress. (If you notice a pin in the back, it’s because I ran out of Velcro and haven’t gone to the store for more yet.)
Your way of sewing for dolls makes it so easy to understand – it is definitely the step-by-step videos that make the difference. I am so so so happy I bought your online course and patterns, and will continue to buy more.
All the Best, Lauri ‘
Next, Debbi shows how by using this technique she was able to take my frill hat pattern for 18 inch dolls and make hats of three different sizes.
‘These are just basic hats but I took your tip and reduced them on the photocopier. I included some of the dolls wearing them so you can see they are a good fit.
Thanks to both Lauri and Debbi for sharing their experiences and photos with us. I’m sure you have now inspired others to experiment with their own doll clothes patterns.
If you missed my earlier blog, ‘A great tip for resizing doll clothes sewing patterns’ then you will find it listed on my Resources Page . It certainly is a super tip worth remembering and don’t forget to let me know how you go with your own pattern adjusting.
Happy Sewing
By Rosie Saw
Hi Rosie, Clever ladies… there are so many variations of dolls on the market it is very hard to keep up sometimes. Great tip for resizing. I have been making full size garments just lately while Kayla catches up with school work but we are back into it again soon and she has a couple of ‘odd size’ friends to dress so this will come in very handy. Best wishes to all
this is exciting..i want to sew for the heart 4 heart doll which is 14 in. tall…..wondering if I could shrink a pattern for an 18 in. doll down to this size.
I have just seen Lauri and Debbie’s posts now. I am SO excited as I have Sasha dolls who badly need new outfits.Now I understand how I can use your patterns,Rosie,to make them gorgeous outfits!!
That’s so exciting Laurainne, I’m glad you found this post and I’m sure your Sasha dolls are too
Please send photos of the clothes you make if you get the chance and I can share them with RDCP members and blog readers who love to see what others are doing with my patterns.
Happy sewing