26 comments on “Look, I Have a New Sewing Machine!

  1. Catherine Kotrlik on Jun 9, 2014 1:20 am | Reply

    Good for you! That’s so exiting, what a wonderful gift from your family. 🙂

  2. Cathy Waskewicz on Jun 9, 2014 1:32 am | Reply

    Yes, I love my machine….gone are the days of fighting with my machine everytime I sat down to it….I have a Viking, and it sews perfect everytime!!! What did you get?

    • Hi Cathy, It’s great to hear that you ‘love’ your sewing machine, it makes such a difference when you know you can rely on it every time. I now have a Janome Memory Craft 6600 Professional as they don’t sell the 6500 in Australia any more. Happy sewing 🙂

  3. Joan Saw on Jun 9, 2014 1:33 am | Reply

    Rosanne, you really deserve this new machine. Hope you get many more hours of use out of it.

  4. Peggy Stirling on Jun 9, 2014 2:17 am | Reply

    Congratulations on your new machine, Rosie. It is hard to tell from the photo what kind it is.
    I splurged on a new one for myself just before we headed south last fall. I bought myself a Janome electronic one. It wasn’t their most elaborate model, but I am sure it will do pretty much everything I want it to do. My manual Kenmore had spent several months in for repairs and I had been using a loaner all last summer. I had the old one re-built and gave it to my best friend’s daughter who is studying dance in New York City. Part of her curriculum is to design and make dance costumes.
    I haven’t had much opportunity yet to do a lot with the new Janome but I am sure it will be fine once I get back to it in full force. My first and favourite electronic machine was my Singer “Athena 2000”. It was a great machine that gave me several years of successful sewing. Then the motherboard blew out and they were never able to fix it properly. The company finally replaced it with another electronic machine that I really didn’t like at all. It never worked the way I wanted it to and eventually I spent many hundreds of dollars trying to get it working right. I finally gave up on electronics at that point and bought the Kenmore. That one worked pretty well for quite few years until last summer. However, I never really used or tried many of the features it had. Now I have another electronic machine and I hope I have more success with this one. I think my most favourite feature on the Athena and now on this Janome is the automatic one-step button hole maker. For quite a few years velcro became my best friend because I hated making button holes the many-step ways. Anyway, I am hoping my new Janome will give me as much pleasure as my old Ahtena did in the 1980’s.
    I’m sure you will quickly get the hang of your new machine and will be thrilled with all the new bells and whistles.

    • Thanks Peggy. I’m sure most people would agree that the automatic one-step button hole function is the best and probably the most important function absolutely necessary on any new sewing machine. I’m sure now that once you get back into sewing you will enjoy your new machine more. Happy sewing 🙂

  5. Hi Rosie!,
    Your new sewing machine is beautiful. It must be a joy to sew at a brand new sewing machine! it makes sewing all the more fun. Good luck!

  6. Chris Lucas on Jun 9, 2014 2:57 am | Reply

    That’s exciting new Rosie! Congratulations on your new machine and instilling in your family exactly what you wanted 🙂 My hubby bought me my new sewing machine and overlocker and I made sure he knew what it was that I wanted too lol Have fun and I’m sure it won’t be long and your finger will automatically hit the right reverse button LOL

  7. Jacqueline Selir on Jun 9, 2014 3:00 am | Reply

    I have the same problem but it is getting better everday. Enjoy your new sewing machine. Jackie

  8. Betty Ann Orman on Jun 9, 2014 3:05 am | Reply

    Hi, Good luck on you new machine. I’m also looking at the Janome machines for myself. Would like any input on which is the best model. I just got back to sewing again and would like all the new & easy steps when I do sew. I want something fast and reallllll easy. Love to hear from anyone out there in sewing land. Any new patterns Rosie? Thanks, Betty Ann

    • Hi Betty Ann, I wrote a blog a couple of years ago on ‘What to look for when purchasing a sewing machine’ that you may find helpful. I now have a Janome Memory Craft 6600 Professional and it is perfect for me. It has heaps of fancy stitches that I don’t use but her older sister proved to be very fast and reliable so I’m hoping that this one will be too. I hope you have success in finding the right machine for you. Happy sewing

  9. Cherrylmaree on Jun 9, 2014 3:34 am | Reply

    Hi, Rosie, what a treat for you. I laughed when I read about your ‘button finger’. I had the same trouble when I tried to use Kayla’s machine instead of my own. Our ‘muscle memory’ is a funny old thing to retrain. I have 3 machines, all Janome models and I love them, so well made and reliable. I learnt on mum’s Singer treadle and bought my first machine in 1978 ( Janome 619 ) still going strong and my mechanic tells me not to change it. I treated myself to an MC300e when I was 55. Only does embroidery ( makes lace!! ) and I ‘inherited’ a Janome Overlocker from a friend. If I upgraded that it would have Automatic looper threading…’nough said about that!! They are all my ‘babies’ especially the 619.. it has made christening clothes and wedding dresses ( mine and my daughter’s ) and many, many gifts with love in every stitch. Have fun and enjoy your new friend. I look forward to its ‘De Mille close-up’ in your next video. Best wishes Cm

  10. Great Rosie: Can’t wait to see all the new projects you make! I enjoy visiting your site, and your blogs. Have fun and be happy with your new machine.

  11. Diane Howard on Jun 9, 2014 10:09 am | Reply

    I Too have a new, Singer one plus computerized sewing machine and i just love it, it makes sewing so easy. i just wish they would make a sewing machine that beeps when you sew something backwards…lol good luck with your new baby and i cant wait to see what youll make next..waiting for you to add one more to the glitz and glamour so i can get the bundle !!! keep up the good work.

  12. Ann mellor on Jun 9, 2014 10:45 am | Reply

    What a great present, Rosie. But, I do have to say, I loved seeing your old machine in the videos. It showed that it was well loved, and the many hours you spent sewing with it. But, progress prevails and soon your new one will feel the love. I absolutely need a better machine. You are so right about happines in sewing is in direct response to the relationship between you and your machine. Mine has almost gone out the door a few times. Enjoy your wonderful new machine. I love your picture. I could feel your excitement. Take care, and happy sewing, Rosie.

  13. Pilar Gutierrez on Jun 9, 2014 11:27 am | Reply

    Congratulations Rosie! New-borns are fun!
    I had an Elna Lotus for 40 years and I just bought an electronic Janome. I’m very grateful of my old sewing machine and I’m enjoying the new one, also. Human beings get accustomed to everything!
    I’m working on the wedding dress for Maria. As soon as I have it ready I’ll send you a photo.
    Thank you for sharing our excitement!
    Regards from Chile,

  14. Tari Hann on Jun 10, 2014 2:06 am | Reply

    Congrats, Rosie, I can’t think of a more deserving person to get a new sewing machine! I hope it gives you as many fun hours of sewing as your old one did!

  15. IRENE MCINTOSH on Jun 10, 2014 6:41 pm | Reply

    You lucky lucky girl, had a look on you tube, think it would be a bit too complicated for me as the only tuition I have ever had is your own videos. Loving my sewing and so is my Grandaughter. Irene from Scotland would love to see a little dress with a collar and sleeves (just a thought) keep up the good work

    • It’s great to hear you and your granddaughter are enjoying your sewing. I will add your request to the long list of patterns I want to do…just need more time to get through this list quicker! Happy sewing 🙂

  16. Michele Shea on Aug 8, 2019 6:47 pm | Reply

    🙂 I noticed the paint missing in the class videos – they are older. Then I was watching the 5-Way Drop waist Dress and noticed shiny new paint! I Googled and here is your blog when you got your 6600!!!! Congrats – I had the 6300 and loved it so much I bought the Elna equivalent of your 6600, the Elna 720 – not he newer one they named the same and added PRO. Why name it the same I ask?! Who knows. Anyway – I LOVE that chassis, and it has been the best machine – the 6300 is a great machine, as is the 6500, but I wanted the glitz of the AcuFeed and the bevy of stitches. I love watching your videos and will continue for a very long time I hope!

    • Hi Michele, it’s wonderful to hear that you love watching my videos and I too hope you continue to do so for a very long time. 🙂 I hadn’t heard about the AcuFeed foot so just Googled it and it sure looks pretty cool so I can understand why you went with the Elna 720. Maybe in 20 years or so when my machine decides to retire, the AcuFeed feet will be standard features and I’ll get to experience it then. Happy sewing. 🙂

      • Michele Shea on Aug 8, 2019 11:20 pm | Reply

        AcuFeed came standard on the 6600s a couple of my friends have had for ten years! Golly. It’s the dual feed foot. Doesn’t your machine have the setup for that? More useful for things like bags and home dec though, not going to try on little dolly clothes! Thank you again for the great video help!

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